

School Sports Teams

At Opaki School we encourage all students to play a sport.  The main sports offered on an annual basis are:

Summer Terms - Tennis, Tee Ball, Touch Rugby

Winter Terms - Hockey and Netball


There are also other sports opportunities during the year outside regular PE sessions that students participate in.  These include: 7 A-side Tournament, Volleyball Tournament, Ki-o-rahi.


If you have any queries regarding school sports teams please contact Nat Jeeves-Edwards.


School Sports Uniforms

Opaki has a sports uniform which all of the children are expected to wear when representing Opaki School.  The cost of this is $59 and can be purchased from the school office. Please make sure that the uniform is named.  We also have optional school jackets and tracksuit pants that you can order at various times during the year.   We will advise you of these ordering times via the school newsletter.


Yearly Sporting Events

During the year students participate in the following school and inter-school events:


Term 1 - Swimming Sports

Term 2 - Cross Country

Term 4 - Athletics

Fair Play Agreement

Students are required to sign Fair Play agreements at the beginning of the winter sports season each year. It sets a timely reminder for students about the expectations around playing fair on the sports field.  The expectation is that this agreement will also flow on into the summer months and encompass summer sports codes.