Information Central
School Hours
8.50 School Starts - Roll, Notices, Jump Jam
9.00 Morning Teaching Block
10.30 Morning Tea
11.15 Middle Teaching Block
12.45 Lunch
1.30 Afternoon Teaching Block
3.00 School Finishes
Drop Off And Collection Times
Students are permitted to be dropped off at school after 8:15 am. All students are expected to be at school ready for learning by 8:50 am. It is expected that students are collected as soon as possible before 3.15 pm at the end of the school day unless they are waiting for a sports practice or waiting to catch a bus. We do not permit students to remain at school once the day has ended to play unsupervised in the school grounds.
Please notify the school office or your child’s classroom teacher by 8:50am if your child is going to be absent from school and provide a reason why.
Phone - 377 5052
Email -
Stationery & School Accounts
Stationery Accounts
Each family has a stationery account set up by the school. This is for incidental stationery items, donations and termly school charges such as Design Technology Fees. Any trip, activity and event costs over $10 will be charged separately and will need to be paid upfront by cash, eftpos or internet banking. Stationery accounts and statements are emailed out approximately twice a term.
If paying by internet banking the school account number is: 02-0688-0023285-000
To assist with providing additional resources for the school a donation is asked for. This is $50 per term per student. If you have three or more children at Opaki School the donation is $40 per student. This donation amount will be added to your stationery account each term.
Beginning of the year stationery items
All student stationery is purchased through the school. Families are charged a stationery charge at the beginning of each year that covers student books and other necessary stationery items. Please do not purchase exercise books from town. Students will receive a stationery pack at the beginning of each school year.
Additional stationery items can be purchased during the year from the school office and these items will be added to your stationery account. Note: If end of year stationery accounts are not paid stationery is not issued until the account has been settled.
Emergency Kits
Emergency Kits
Each student requires an emergency kit which is kept at school. The kits are returned at the end of each school year so that food items can be replaced before they expire. Emergency kits need to be assembled inside a named 2Ltr ice cream container - this is so that they can all be stored inside class emergency bins. Other containers make it difficult to organise, stack and store the kits effectively. Assembled kits can be given to your child’s classroom teacher.
Required items inside the emergency kit:
Survival blanket (usually a thin silver ‘sheet’ folded inside a plastic pouch).
2 or 3 glow sticks (small enough to fit inside the ice cream container).
Pull ring can of baked beans, spaghetti or similar.
Food items such as: chocolate bar, pre-packaged dried fruit & nuts, chippies etc.
Device Allocation, Internet & On-Line Agreement
Internet Agreement
At the beginning of each school year all students are required to sign a new internet agreement. The agreement outlines the expectations around use of IT equipment at school. The agreement is taken home for parents to read, sign and return to school.
Device Allocation
At Opaki School we have the following devices allocated for student use:
Aronui Syndicate - Year 7&8 - 1:1 Chromebooks
Kahure Syndicate - Year 4,5&6 - 1:1 Mixture of Chromebooks and iPads
Mahuri Syndicate - Year 2,3&4 - 1:1 Mixture of iPad Mini & iPad 2
Tipu Syndicate - Year 1 - 1:2 iPad
Students are not required or permitted to bring their own devices to school.
School Bus Information
Bus Runs
There are 4 bus runs that leave from Opaki School.
Willow Park Drive / Southey Road - Leaves school at 3:00pm
Rangitumau - Leaves school at approximately 3:30pm
Mauriceville - Leaves school at approximately 3:30pm
Miki Miki - Leaves school at 3:00pm
Nat Jeeves-Edwards is in charge of the bus runs & bus monitors. Please see her if you would like your child to catch the school bus.
Bus Turnaround Area
There are a number of buses that leave from and arrive at school between 3-4pm each day. Please do not park in, or close to the bus areas - directly outside the school gates and in front of the shed at the end of the netball court.
Should your child no longer need to travel on the school bus please let the school office know. If your child is not going on the bus on a particular day they need to let their bus monitor know - the monitor will be at the front gate. Alternatively students can tell James Smith - who will be standing at the front gate.
Problems on the School Bus
Please report any problems on the school bus as soon as possible to James. Each bus has 1 or 2 monitors who oversee general behaviour on the bus and report in to the principal on a regular basis. We expect a high standard of behaviour on the school bus and normal school rules apply. Any incidents can be dealt with promptly if the school is advised as soon as possible. Students who can not behave on the bus in an appropriate fashion will be spoken to and a decision will be made regarding their future travel on the bus.